Become a Member, Renew, or Donate!
Your membership or donation will help the Mid-Willamette Bird Alliance (formerly ASC) continue to work for wildlife and habitats – their survival is up to all of us! Although we are a chapter of the National Audubon Society, it is a separate non-profit organization. Becoming a member means that 100% of your membership dues stay in the local area to enable projects and activities. And you help the local birds, other wildlife, and their habitats in the Willamette Valley and in the region.
How to Join
Chapter memberships expire one year from the date you send in your application. Important: Membership in MWBA does not include membership in the National Audubon Society. We encourage you to also support National Audubon Society in their important education and lobbying efforts.
There are four easy ways to join or renew your membership:
- Download, print, and complete the Membership Application (.doc), and mail it with your check to the mid-Willamette Bird Alliance Link to PDF
- Same as above but email the form to Membership Chair Bill Gellatly at
OR - Pay with your credit card via PayPal (no PayPal account needed). See PayPal instructions below. You will receive an e-mail receipt of your membership payment.
- During the COVID pandemic, we are meeting digitally via Zoom presentations, so you are unable to renew or donate in person. Once we can meet in person again, you can attend a membership meeting and join/renew with the Member Chairperson at one of the tables in the back of the room.

Benefits of Membership
Please join us! MWBA is an all-volunteer organization with no paid staff. As a local chapter member you:
- help support local birds, other wildlife, and their habitats in the Willamette Valley and beyond,
- receive 10 issues of The Chat, our newsletter in digital,
- hear about meetings and Hesthavn work parties, and get first dibs on popular field trips,
- meet other people interested in birds and nature, and
- get involved in introducing children to nature or helping restoration
Membership meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month from September through May in person or via Zoom presentations. For connection information, email: Meeting attendance is free and the public is welcome!
PayPal Instructions
Select “Member” or “Donate” and follow steps 1 and 2, then “Continue” to steps 3 – 8.
Member or Renewal
- Select one of the membership options.
- Confirm that the billing amount is correct for the option.
- Click on the “Donate to ASC” button below.
- Fill in the amount of your gift. Optional: Select a program to receive the donation (such as: Education, Conservation, Hesthavn, Bluebird Trail, etc.).
- There are 2 options for payment:
- If you have a PayPal account, click and complete.
- To pay with a debit or credit card as a guest, select “Pay with Debit or Credit Card.”
- Complete the card information.
- Select “Pay Now.”
** Please Note: If you pay using a personal PayPal account, you will be identified by your account name which may be different from your membership name. Please send an email identifying yourself and what type of membership you have paid for to this link. The Subject line should be ASC Membership (or Donation).
Donate to ASC
Or, send your tax-deductible donation to:
Mid-Willamette Bird Alliance
PO Box 148
Corvallis, OR 97339