gray-crowned rosy finch

Birding Field Trips

Birds of a Feather Flock Together!

Half-Day Field Trips

black oystercatcher
Black Oystercatchers are easy to spot on coastal rocks as they probe for juicy invertebrates.

Half-day field trips are scheduled on the second Saturday of the month. These four-hour excursions are free and geared to anyone with an interest in learning more about birds and birding. Destinations include Willamette Park and other local natural areas. All levels of expertise are welcome. Led by expert birders Duncan Evered and Caryn Stoess.

Meet the other participants and leaders at 8:00 am by the shelter in Willamette Park (end of SE Goodnight Ave.). We will carpool, returning noonish. Bring suitable outdoor gear as well as water and snacks. Weather may alter plans, but those who registered will be notified. Email to register.

Check What’s Happening on the ASC website homepage a few days before the field trip for updates.

white-tailed kite
White-tailed kites are frequent visitors to the Prairie Overlook at William L Finley National Wildlife Refuge.

Multi-Day Field Trips

burrowing owl
Burrowing Owls are a federal Species of Concern due to habitat loss. They use underground burrows in open grasslands that have been excavated by other species, such as badgers.

A small army of folks are at carrying on the awesome 3- or 4-day field trips organized and led by Fred Ramsey for the past 50+ years. These trips reflect Fred’s vision and tread the paths forged by Fred with guidance and bird lists he developed.

ASC weekend field trips are led by experienced birders and travel is in rented vans. We stay in comfortable motels/dorms and enjoy meals at local restaurants. Trips usually have a wide range of expert observers who point out not only the birds, but butterflies, dragonflies, mammals, reptiles, and flowers.

You may also volunteer as a driver (slots available on the signup sheets), and drivers do not pay for the regular trip costs. If the signups are not sufficient to run any trip, it will be canceled, and any deposits will be refunded.

Sign-up sheets are available at the monthly membership meetings or email: OR To hold your place on a trip, your deposit of $25 needs to be received within a week of your sign up, otherwise, your spot may go to another person.

Some trips may be canceled if there are not enough signees, so invite your friends and families! Link to 2024 trip details
* Apr 19-21: Klamath Falls area
* May 4-6: Rogue Valley
* May 12-15: Malheur NWR
* Jun 7-9:  Summer Lake
* Jul 17-21: Wallowa Mtns
* Aug 15-18: Steens Mtn
* Sep 16-18: Southern Oregon Coast