northern harrier


(Hover over photos for description and photographer)

Welcome to the Mid-Willamette Bird Alliance!

(also known as Audubon Society of Corvallis)

Where birds and wildlife count

MWBA (previously ASC) is headquartered in Corvallis, Oregon and welcomes members and visitors from the mid-Willamette Valley and beyond. We host speakers, lead half-day birding walks to local areas, guide multi-day field trips to regional birding areas, present education programs to all ages, and support conservation of birds, other native wildlife, and natural habitats.

What’s Happening?

“Stop the Landfill Expansion” yard signs, free, delivered to your home. Sign up   Coffin Butte facts,  February 19 presentation information
MWBA/ASC Events – all programs are free (except where indicated) and open to the public.

* Feb 20 – Joel Geier: “Vesper Sparrows: Local Endangered Species?”
* Mar 8 – Second Saturday Field Trip 8 am – noon. Meet at Willamette Park Shelter. Register
* Mar 14 – 16: Field trip to Klamath Basin NWRs INFO/Sign up
* Mar 20 – Roy Lowe: “Spectacular Birds of the Colombian Andes”
* Apr 17 – Mark Kerstens: “Black-backed Woodpeckers”
* Apr 25 – 27: Field Trip to Rogue Valley  INFO/Sign up
* May 15 – Jayshaun Talbert: “Lights Out Corvallis”

* May 17 – 20: Field Trip to Malheur NWR INFO/Sign up
* Jun 13 – 15: Field Trip to Summer Lake INFO/Sign up
* Jul 17 – 21: Field Trip to Wallowa Mtns. INFO/Sign up
* Jul 31 – Aug 3: Field Trip to Steens Mtn. INFO/Sign up

* Mid Sep TBA: Field Trip to South Coast INFO/Sign up
* Trails – open dawn to dusk every day
* Work Party TBA Contact
Community Events
* Volunteers needed to count shorebirds INFO
Jan 25 – COASST Beached seabird training, Astoria, 10 am – 4 pm. INFO
* POSTPONED. Written comments re: Republic Service’s application. EPA concerns
Feb 1, 8:30 am-4 pm, Willamette Valley Bird SymposiumINFO
* Volunteers Needed: Avian Botulism at Lower Klamath NWR. Register
Conservation Volunteer Opportunities Calendar

“Vesper Sparrow: Local Endangered Species?”

Joel Geier, Feb 20, 2025

Vesper sparrow

  Vesper Sparrows were once an abundant summer resident of the Willamette Valley. These birds are now found at only a handful of known nesting sites, mostly on private grazing land or Christmas tree farms. Local populations of Vesper Sparrows have declined or died out on their historic range, from Crescent City, California to southeastern British Columbia. Joel will describe recent research to identify key factors responsible for Vesper Sparrow declines, as well as newly discovered fascinating behaviors.
    Everyone is welcome to attend the meeting in person at the Alder Room on NW Tyler Ave. in Corvallis. The social gathering starts at 6:30, business meeting at 7:00 pm, then the Raffle, and the slide show presentation starts as early as 7:20 pm and lasts about an hour. Tune in to the Zoom meeting at 7:15.
Jan 16 – Member slide show Zoom link
Monthly Speaker Info

Christmas Bird Count ResultsPileated Woodpecker

    The 64th Corvallis Christmas Bird Count (CBC) took place on December 17, 2024 on a very rainy and windy day. The 61 intrepid field observers and feeder watchers counted 63,816 birds of 120 species on the count day. For comparison, the corresponding numbers for the 2023 CBC were 92,531 birds and 12species.
    New records were set for the number of birds seen in several species, including Tundra Swan (1,491 vs. a previous high of 1,423), Least Sandpiper (452 vs. 100), Northern Harrier (143 vs. 135), and Barn Swallow (5 vs. 3).
More results

Birding Field Trips

Second Saturday field trip participants scour the trees in Willamette Park for winter birds.

Second Saturday (half-day) field trips to local birding areas are led by Duncan Evered and Caryn Stoess from September through June. INFO 
The 2025 Multi-day field trips will be led by experienced birders driving rented vans. Signup sheets are available at monthly meetings starting in January 2025, or click here Contact 
See Field Trips for registration and more information.
* Mar 14-­16: Klamath Basin,  * Jul 17-21 Wallowa Mtns.
* Apr 25­-27: Rogue Valley,     * Jul 31-Aug 3, Steens Mtn.
* May 17-­20: Malheur NWR   * Mid-Sep TBA: South Coast
* Jun13-15, Summer Lake

Birding & Resources

gray-crowned rosy finch
Due to its remote and rocky alpine habitat, the Gray-crowned Rosy Finch is a special find!

Our region is a prime place to find, watch, draw, and photograph many species of birds. Half-day field trips to local areas and multi-day trips to regional birding areas are led by ASC guides. New birders and anyone else interested are invited to participate. Find more information about ASC Birding at the links below.
Birding        Field Trips       Resources  


Homer Campbell boardwalk trail
Visitors check out the Homer Campbell Boardwalk Trail at Finley NWR, which was constructed by ASC and partners.

ASC participates in grassroot conservation by providing information about pending actions on national and state environmental laws. Locally, ASC has joined partners to conserve habitats, provide access on trails, and restore native plants. Conservation of Western Bluebirds and Streaked Horned Larks are other major initiatives for ASC.
For more information, click: Audubon in the News or Conservation/Protection or Priorities


Education – Owls!
Family Fun Night flyer English - thumb

Kids – make your own owl mask and learn about the owls in our neighborhood. The MWBA Education Team will be participating in the Family Fun Night on March 2 from 5 – 7 pm at the Corvallis Community Center (2601 NW Tyler Ave, Corvallis). The theme is Nocturnal Nights, and the Ed Team will present taxidermied owls, an educational activity, and they will help you make your own owl mask. Other partner activities include a match game about night creatures, gym games, crafts, and the Indoor Park’s room of toys! Flyer (Spanish)  More INFO
The Education Team has connected people to nature for the past 30 years. Events are often held at Hesthavn, our small Nature Center on Oak Creek Road, which is open for special events.
Education Program

Bluebird Trail

Western Bluebird
Western Bluebird population declines galvanized Elsie Elzroth to make a difference.

The ASC Bluebird Trail committee was created to promote the conservation of the Western Bluebird (Sialia mexicana) and other native cavity-nesters through field work, scientific studies, and education. A series of bluebird boxes have been placed in ideal habitat for the birds. Volunteers monitor the nesting success throughout the breeding season, and results are reported to several organizations.

Hesthavn Grounds & Nature Center 

Hesthavn welcome sign

Hesthavn Nature Center started life as a barn, and now it offers a museum with taxidermied birds, Bluebird Trail and other exhibits, and a classroom. It will be open to the public for special events. The grounds include trails, bird feeders, and a native plant garden and are open are open from dawn to dusk everyday. Meadow restoration is one step in the long-term goal of restoring all habitats. Admission is free! 

Hesthavn       Volunteer

Join Us!

volunteer interpreter
What are the birds in your backyard?

New to the area? Meet people who also like nature! Would you like to volunteer to share your passion or contribute to restoration? Become a member of ASC and help us continue our important work. You can also donate time or dollars to ASC. We also appreciate your tax-deductible contributions to our local education and conservation efforts.
Membership        Volunteer        Donate


Forster's tern
These Forster’s Terns are announcing their partnership for the common goal of raising a family.

ASC welcomes partnerships with other agencies and organizations. Together we provide equal opportunities for all children, allowing them to experience nature through games, art, and activities that enhance both classroom and special-event learning. Other partnerships pool funding, staff, and other resources to accomplish conservation and other education goals.
Education      Conservation

Our Newsletter


Each issue of The Chat contains information about monthly speakers and their presentation. Also included is the latest news about education, conservation, Hesthavn Nature Center, field trips, bird sightings, Board meetings, calendar items, and more. Ten issues are produced by our volunteers each year, from September through June. Archived newsletters are available in PDF format from April 2003 to the present.
Current Issue
The Chat Newsletter and Archives