American bittern

Birding (and other) Resources


These organizations and many others offer excellent links to information, such as birding hotspots, etc.

American Birding Association

Birding trails in all US States and Canada, clubs and organizations, gear guide, travel, birding news, blog, podcast

Oregon Birding Association

Species checklists, birding trails, birding locations by Oregon county, maps of Fern Ridge and Luckiamute, field trips, monthly photo contest

Mid-Valley Nature Group

Place for nature lovers in the mid-Willamette Valley to share their field observations, including local plants, fungi, mammals, birds, invertebrates, reptiles, amphibians, fish, geology, climate and more. Identification questions are welcome.

National Audubon Society

Birding guides and apps, travel destinations, binocular and spotting scope guides, flyways, conservation, projects, and magazine. Also – New iPhone App for Bringing Birdsong Back to People with High-Frequency Hearing Loss   Link

Cornell Bird Cams

Bird cameras at various locations connect viewers worldwide to the diverse and intimate world of birds. Watching the cams can be a life-changing experience similar to virtual field trips or field biology in your living room. Continue sharing and learning with the community as you join others to watch the world of birds together.

All About Birds

Online guide to birds and birdwatching. Look up information about birds, including photos of adults and juveniles, food, habitat, and conservation. Learn how to identify birds, create nesting areas, feeding options, interesting articles, common problems, and more.

Bird Alliance of Oregon (formerly Portland Audubon)

Spring arrival dates for migrating birds, birding links, nature store, Oregon-wide birding spots, and education programs


Locations of bird sightings around the world, zero in on hotspots, share sightings, and track your lists, sounds, and photos. To generate an up-to-date list of the most recent sightings of any species in either Linn or Benton County:

Linn County,   Benton County

Neighborhood Naturalist

Sightings on the Mid-Valley Nature Forum, scheduled field trips, classes like Birding by Ear, resource lists of wildlife rehabilitation, field guides, phone apps, websites, and naturalist organizations

Songs from common birds at feeders in the Willamette Valley


Download the Sound ID app which listens to the birds around you and shows real-time suggestions for who’s singing. Compare your recording to the songs and calls in Merlin to confirm what you heard. Available now for birds in the U.S. and Canada with other countries available soon.


Listen, download, and explore bird sound recordings from around the world, share recordings, help identify mystery calls, participate in forums

Audubon – 10 Common Bird Songs Made Less Confusing

Audio spectrograms, or song pictures, compared for five pairs of similar-sounding birds you might encounter locally – some birds not found in western U.S.

US Fish and Wildlife – Feather Atlas

The Forensic Laboratory developed this tool designed identify flight feathers of North American birds. The feather images are from the National Fish and Wildlife Forensics Laboratory. Options include Browse all feather images; Browse by one group, such as ducks; or Identify using characteristics of particular feather. PLEASE NOTE: It is illegal to possess feathers or other body parts of native North American birds under the Migratory Bird Treaty ActMore information

Other Important Topics

Wildlife of Oregon

Species descriptions of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles, and marine animals (seals, sea lions, whales, dolphins, porpoises, and sea turtles)

Butterflies of Oregon

Not just birds but butterflies are also sentinel species for habitat degradation similar to the canary in a coal mine. The website is “both an online guide to Oregon’s butterfly species and a record” of the author’s determination to photograph all of Oregon’s butterfly species inside the state boundaries.

Dragonflies and Damselflies of Oregon and Washington (Odonata)

Photos, natural history, and field checklists of dragonflies, including Darners, Petaltails, Clubtails, Spiketails, Cruisers, Emeralds, and Skimmers, and damselflies, including Broad-wings, Spreadwings, and Pond damsels.

Benton Soil and Water Conservation District

Gardening for Birds,   Impacts of Non-native Plants

Informative brochures and bird-friendly landscape designs to help you give birds the four basic things they need: 1) Water, 2) Cover, 3) Nest sites, and 4) Food.

Corvallis Sustainability Coalition
Garden Guide – 2022

The Corvallis Sustainability Coalition (CSC) recently released a new garden guide. It focuses on food growing, including resources for growing vegetables, fruit, herbs, mushrooms, poultry, and bees. Organizations and businesses that are local, organic, unique, and perhaps not as well known as they should be are emphasized. The guide is intended for new and experienced gardeners alike. CSC link|   Volunteer Calendar

Native Plants of the Pacific Northwest

Native plants attract wildlife, especially pollinators, which are very important for restoring habitats lost to exotic gardens.

Native Plant Society of Oregon,      Oregon Flora Project – Oregon State University,  Native Plants for Your Garden