

Education and Outreach

Inspired by Birds!

The Education Team’s goals are “Preserve, Protect, Promote.” Almost everybody loves birds, but most are unaware that birds do amazing things! Flying for instance, made possible with adaptations like hollow bones, massive chest muscles to power the wings,  and feathers for balance and steering. They also need big brains to support keen eyesight and rapid reflexes.
The MWBA Education and Outreach Team is always thrilled to introduce a new audience to the wonders of birds. The Team reached approximately 1,000 community members during the 2022 -23 school year, with events such as Winter Wildlife Field Day, School and Group presentations, Special Events held at Hesthavn Nature Center, and partner programs. Contact

Past Events and Activities

Family Birding Trails

family bird trail poster thumbnail
Click on poster for larger size.
Offered in Spring 2022 for children ages 2 – 8 years. For more info: Education Team for 2023/24 schedule.

Kids! Nature Projects for Fun

Use your senses to explore nature poster
Click on poster to see a larger image.
Looking for new adventures for kids? For local fun, discover the most common species in four Corvallis parks and track down the food, water, shelter, and plants that the park’s birds need to survive. Park worksheets:

Sunset download         MLK download
Willamette download   Chepenefa Springs download

Audubon Adventures is an online publication by National Audubon Society educators that features a creative group of nature activities, games, DIY projects, and lessons at home to keep your child busy and entertained. For instance, explore how you can identify a bird by its feet and beak (Whose Beak? Whose Feet?). Many activities are designed for young nature lovers in grades 3-5, but they can be fun for the whole family.

These activities prepare kids to find their own connections to nature. The goal isn’t to teach a child how to identify birds, but to give them an opportunity to explore and feel connected to the natural world. Don’t worry about your own knowledge of birds or plants. Just be a companion and enjoy your child’s curiosity!

Other nature activities – Do-it-Yourself Project (National Audubon Society)

Birding in Your Backyard – Bilingual

Backyard Birds bilingual
This bilingual guide is full of interesting information about what birds you might see in your own backyard. Become a new birder or sharpen your skills!

Winter Wildlife Field Days

Before 2015, there were many local events for children in spring, summer, and fall for children, but few in the winter. To make exploring nature a year-round activity, OSU undergraduate student Jeremy Felty partnered with MWBA’s Teri Engbring and a William L. Finley National Wildlife Refuge manager for more than six months. The first annual Winter Wildlife Field Day was held in March 2015 at Finley NWR, and it was an amazing success with 300 visitors participating. MWBA led the event through 2019 – drawing 350 in 2016, 450 in 2017, 800 in 2018, and 700 “kids” in 2019!  Since 2020, Finley (NWR) staff have led the organization effort. Contact Sam Bartling 541-757-7236 or email for current information.

In 2023, the Annual Winter Wildlife Field Days at Finley National Wildlife Refuge changed into a month-long program from March 1-31. The partners created many activities that were held is several places. MWBA Education volunteers contributed a total of 24 hours as they led bird walks in three parks: Starker Arts Park had 108 visitors; Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Park had 121 visitors;  and Village Green Park had 49 visitors.

WWFD reward patches 2015-2021

Special Nature Events

get outdoors day
MWBA volunteer Karl Hartzell asks which birds the visitors see in their backyard.

Education Team members also provide fun and interesting activities to environmental groups and the general public. MWBA has staffed outreach activities including Hesthavn family programs, Girl Scout camps, Corvallis Sustainability Fair, Oregon State University Earth Day, Get Outdoors Day at Peavy Arboretum, Chintimini Open House, Winter Wildlife Field Days, and more.

School and Groups

Girl Scout camp
The MWBA Education Team describes how birds have adapted to water to Girl Scout campers.

For more than 30 years, Education Team volunteers have provided interpretive programs for schoolchildren. We have developed traveling programs and exhibits that are fun, interactive, and educational, such as Measure Your Wingspan and Compare It to Local Birds. Other programs include How Birds Fly, What Can I Eat with This Beak?, How Do Bats and Birds Differ, Birds as Pollinators, games like Predator vs. Prey Tag and Migration Madness, and more!

MWBA volunteers bring exhibits and activities to schools or other places on request. Groups including Girl and Boy Scouts, nature clubs, and home schools may also request an activity. We love to share at Science Nights at local schools! Contact the Education Team ( at least one month in advance to schedule a visit!

Hesthavn Grounds and Nature Center 

Hesthavn welcome sign
Welcome sign at entrance to Hesthavn Nature Center and grounds

Hesthavn is a former horse pasture, and the name means “horse harbor” in Norwegian. The small barn was renovated and named Hesthavn Nature Center. The heated facility makes it possible to provide classes for schoolchildren, groups, and the general public year-round. It also functions as a museum for wildlife specimens, display area for exhibits, library, and meeting place. The Nature Center is open occasionally for public events, and the event details will be posted on the website homepage, Facebook, and Instagram.

Hesthavn connects the community with wildlife in their native habitat of oak savannah and Oak Creek riparian forest. Oak Creek flows through the Hesthavn grounds and joins the Marys River in Corvallis. The property includes two short trails, native plant garden, and bird feeders. Two picnic tables under a shady tree await casual picnickers! No water is available at Hesthavn, but a composting toilet is onsite. The grounds are open from dawn until dusk every day.
Hesthavn Info,  Map

New ‘Bluebird Trail’ Exhibit

bluebird exhibit banner

Bluebird Trail exhibit

The Nature Center once housed horses and now it houses a special room with taxidermied birds, plus a library, exhibits, games, and a classroom. Oak Creek flows through the property near the Center, and there are short hiking trails, and a native plant garden. The Nature Center is staffed for special events, so check the website and watch for event flyers. Admission is free! Hesthavn


Junior Birding Program: Beginning Birding Classes

comparing wingspan
Measuring and comparing human to bird wingspans

Every Friday for 10 weeks children (ages 8 – 13)  learned to use binoculars and field guides, get an up-close view of Audubon’s bird, egg, and nest specimens, learn about flight, and explore how local birds adapt to their habitat. Kids explored activities about bird conservation and looked for different birds and habitats on guided trail walks. The classes took place at Hesthavn or at a local park. Check back for 2025-26 classes: email

Anna's hummoingbird
This Anna’s Hummingbird comments on too many choices for learning about nature – how can you choose? Male Anna’s have a “buzzy” song, a “chippy” call, and a loud squeak during courtship that is made by their outer tail feathers.