MWBA Monthly Speakers
“Lessons from the Pumice Plateau: The importance of mature, green lodgepole pine for a post-fire specialist”
Mark Kerstens – April 17
Woodpeckers are often described as double-keystone species because they increase food availability and excavate cavities used by other species. Woodpeckers are also sensitive to large-scale forest disturbances, such as fire. Some species benefit because recently burned forests create a temporary resource for cavity nesters and other fire-associated birds. However, burned areas can quickly become unsuitable as succession progresses, and key habitat features (like standing dead trees) are lost.
Black-backed Woodpeckers (Picoides arcticus) were thought to rely only on burned forests for breeding. However, recent studies have found that they may also breed in unburned forests in the western portion of their range. Further, they bred successfully in both habitats as reproductive output and juvenile survival were similar. However, breeding sites in green forests were almost exclusively restricted to stands dominated by mature and old-growth lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta).
For effective conservation of some habitats, they must be managed at a landscape scale. For example, the health of a river is affected not by a section of a watershed but by all the land in the watershed. Mark will present information from his current study to understand how the Black-backed Woodpeckers select breeding habitat at landscape scales within green forests of south-central Oregon. Because the majority of forests in the western United States are green, the results are important for land managers to maximize the conservation value of burned and green forest.

Mark earned a B.S. in Biology from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. His honors thesis studied how overwintering birds in mixed-species flocks respond to pishing vs. chickadee mobbing calls. He has since spent several years on avian point-count and nest-monitoring projects in Oregon, punctuated by teaching outdoor education in southern California.
His current research interests are how to manage forests both before and after wildfires to provide habitat for cavity-nesting birds, and how to use these species as indicators for ecosystem health. For his M.S. he studied Black-backed Woodpecker vital rates in fire-prone landscapes, and he is expanding work on that species for his Ph.D. When not chasing birds, Mark likes to spend his time backcountry skiing, climbing, or sewing outdoor gear.
2024-2025 Speaker Schedule
Hybrid in-person and Zoom meetings
Apr 17 – Mark Kerstens: “Black-backed Woodpeckers”
May 15 – Jayshaun Talbert: “Population Shifts in Northern Saw-Whet Owls during the Fall Migration Season?”
If you would like to suggest a speaker for MWBA’s 2024-2025 monthly presentations, please contact Mai Kiigemagi at
How to See the Monthly Presentations
The 2023 – 2024 Monthly Meetings will be both in-person and available on Zoom. February and March presentations will be held in the Corvallis Community Center Alder Room on NW Tyler Ave. in Corvallis (Chandler Ballroom for April and May). At 6:30 pm is the social gathering, followed by a business meeting at 7:00 pm, the program could start as early as 7:20 pm, and it lasts about an hour. For those who are viewing the presentation via Zoom, we suggest you tune in at 7:15.
The in-person meetings will also be available on Zoom to MWBA members who provided their email address with their membership dues. They will receive an invitation and instructions the day before the webinar. Members may view the presentation on their computers or phones at home. A few days following the meeting, the link to the recording will be posted on the MWBA website (see Past Presentations below).
Past Video Presentations
To view recorded presentations from December 2022 to May 2023, click on the links below. Some presentations were not able to be archived. Contact
March 2025
Roy Lowe took members on a visual birding trip to Colombia, from near sea level to the Andes. Roy’s presentation featured a myriad of colorful images of many of the awesome birds he encountered from imposing Mountain Toucans, to brilliant tanagers, scintillating hummingbirds, secretive antpittas, and the bizarre but beautiful Andean Cock-of-the-Rock. Link to Zoom Recording

February 2025
Vesper Sparrows were once abundant summer residents of the Willamette Valley. These birds are now found at only a handful of known nesting sites, mostly on private grazing land or Christmas tree farms. Joel described recent research to identify key factors responsible for local population declines or extinction, as well as newly discovered fascinating behaviors. This talk covers research on Oregon Vesper Sparrow over the past 12 years, presented by Joel Geier and Jayshaun Talbert, with major contributions by Lisa Millbank. The research has been led by Bob Altman (American Bird Conservancy), Sarah Rockwell (Klamath Bird Observatory), and Gary Slater (Ecostudies Institute).
Link to Zoom recording
January 2025
Sea otters are charismatic marine mammals that once thrived along Oregon’s coastline. Two centuries of fur trading caused their local extinction, and without them, Oregon’s kelp forests have suffered, Chanel Hansen and the Elakha Alliance are dedicated to restoring a healthy population of sea otters, which will increase the resilience of the ecosystem.
Link to Zoom recording

December 2024
Five MVBA members shared some of their favorite photos and videos during the annual Member Slide Show. Tom Heath showed beautiful birds plus a river otter, coyote, and pronghorn, ending with his unique dahlia. Carolyn Peterson had awesome bird, reptile, and marine photos from her trips to California and Indonesia. Teri Engbring brought beautiful shots of Alaska glaciers, Italian Alps, and a few family favorites. Matt Lee had amazing photos and videos featuring Heron Island, Tasmania, and Victoria, Australia wildlife. Sue Powell shared an underwater video from a Great Barrier Reef island.
Link to Zoom recording
November 2024
OSU Master’s student Richard Rich presented a great overview of both Greater Sage-grouse and Common Ravens, including ID tips and life history information. He described his research into raven-grouse interactions and surprising new evidence of undocumented raven behaviors. Link to Zoom recording

October 2024
Retired biologist Ann Eissinger presented an overview of Great Blue Herons, including life history, habitat, status, monitoring, and conservation efforts. Ann spent over 30 years studying the birds in Washington and continues to volunteer as a science advisor for heron projects in NW Washington. Link to Zoom recording

September 2024
Peter Moore discussed the results of population surveys of three albatross species that nest on Campbell Island, NZ. Removal of non-native Norway rats was completed in 2001 and resulted in population recovery of the albatrosses and other endemic species. Link to Zoom recording

May 2024
Carina Kusaka’s presentation described her research about detecting changes in Tufted Puffin breeding habitat along the Oregon Coast. Her work will determine will help land managers to direct conservation activities where and how they will be most effective. Carina is also the author and illustrator of the children’s book Polly the Puffin.
Link to recording

April 2024

Nikkie Cross shared eBird, which can target and locate new birds wherever you travel, track your life list, and contribute your sightings to help scientists worldwide.
Link to recording
March 2024
Alan Contreras took us on an entertaining tour of how birds were first observed from Lewis and Clark through the 1950s. He also covered the growth of amateur birding and how their sighting enhanced academic and agency protection of habitat and resources.
No Zoom recording available
February 2024
Native grasslands in Oregon have have disappeared, leaving only rare patches for butterflies that depend on them. Dana Ross presented an overview of Benton County butterflies, natural history of our local rare species, and other species in Oregon. Link to recording (note that sound is missing for about 10 minutes)