Tree swallows

ASC Monthly Speakers

“Albatross Research on Campbell Island, NZ”

Peter Moore
Sep 19, 2024 at 7:30 pm


Peter Moore worked as a seabird scientist for the Department of Conservation in New Zealand from 1987-2009 and travelled multiple times to Campbell Island to study penguins and albatrosses. He recently retired after 10-years working for the Institute for Applied Ecology here in Corvallis.

In the 2023/24 austral summer Peter joined a 10-week expedition to Campbell Island to assess the current status of three species of albatrosses, particularly the Southern royal albatross, due to concerns that populations are in decline. The team conducted population surveys, marked birds with bands, loggers and satellite transmitters, and took samples to detect the presence of avian influenza.

Peter’s presentation will show some of the unique plants and animals that inhabit this remote nature reserve, including species that are now thriving since Norway rats were eradicated in 2001. He will illustrate what it is like to travel to and spend time on the island, reflect on changes observed over a 36-year period, and present some of the findings from this years’ seabird research.

Campbell Island, New Zealand
Campbell Island, a remote New Zealand island is a nesting ground for Albatrosses and puffins.
Peter Moore on Campbell Island
Peter Moore on remote Campbell Island
Albatrosses interacting at Campbell Island nesting site
One of three species of albatrosses on Campbell Island, NZ

2024-2025 Speaker Schedule

Hybrid in-person and Zoom meetings

Sep 19 – Peter Moore: “Albatross Research on Campbell Island, NZ”
Oct 17 – Ann Eissinger: “Great Blue Herons”
Nov 21 – Richard Rich: “Sage-grouse and Raven Interactions”
Dec 19 – Member Slide Show
Jan 16 – Elakha Alliance: “Returning Sea Otters to Oregon”
Feb 20 – Joel Geier: “Vesper Sparrows”
Mar 20 – Roy Lowe: “Birds of the Andes Mountains”
Apr 17 – Mark Kerstens: “Black-backed Woodpeckers”
May 15 – Jayshaun:Talbert: “Lights Out Corvallis”

If you would like to suggest a speaker for ASC’s 2024-2025 monthly presentations, please contact Mai Kiigemagi at

How to See the Monthly Presentations

The 2023 – 2024 Monthly Meetings will be both in-person and available on Zoom. Unless noted, they will be held in the Corvallis Community Center Chandler Ballroom on NW Tyler Ave. in Corvallis. At 6:30 pm is the social gathering, followed by a business meeting at 7:00 pm, the program begins at 7:30 pm and lasts about an hour. For those who are viewing the presentation only via Zoom, you may tune in at 7:30.

The in-person meetings will also be available on Zoom to ASC members who provided their email address with their membership dues. They will receive an invitation and instructions the day before the webinar. Members may view the presentation on their computers or phones at home. A few days following the meeting, the link to the recording will be posted on the ASC website (see Past Presentations below).

Meetings are open to the general public, although space is limited. Contact for information about accessing the program.  More info

Past Video Presentations

To view recorded presentations from December 2022 to May 2023, click on the links below. Some presentations were not able to be archived. Contact

May 2024

Carina Kusaka’s presentation described her research about detecting changes in Tufted Puffin breeding habitat along the Oregon Coast. Her work will determine will help land managers to direct conservation activities where and how they will be most effective. Carina is also the author and illustrator of the children’s book Polly the Puffin.
Link to recording

Tufted Puffin nest illustration for Polly the Puffin book
Tufted Puffin nest illustration for Polly the Puffin book

April 2024

Nikkie Cross shared eBird, which can target and locate new birds wherever you travel, track your life list, and contribute your sightings to help scientists worldwide.
Link to recording

Yellow-throated toucan
Yellow-throated Toucan

March 2024

Alan Contreras took us on an entertaining tour of how birds were first observed from Lewis and Clark through the 1950s. He also covered the growth of amateur birding and how their sighting enhanced academic and agency protection of habitat and resources.
No Zoom recording available

Alan Contreras' book


February 2024

Native grasslands in Oregon have have disappeared, leaving only rare patches for butterflies that depend on them. Dana Ross presented an overview of Benton County butterflies, natural history of our local rare species, and other species in Oregon. Link to recording (note that sound is missing for about 10 minutes)

Taylor's Checkerspot Butterfly
Taylor’s Checkerspot butterflies

December 2023

Six ASC members regaled the audience with armchair tours of places or things that they enjoy. Tom Heath led off with gorgeous birds photos from around Oregon, Richard Hoyer reminisced about his raptor experiences in Alaska and Canada in 1959-1960, and Mark Baldwin braved Idaho and Utah to film prairie chickens and grebes with babies. Steve Cook, who lives next door to Hesthavn, amused and amazed the audience with many no-name cacti he grows at home, Sue Powell sneaked peeks of big cats, lots of crocodiles, even a tapir in part one of a Brazil trip, and co-traveler Bev Clark batted last with a few dozen dramatic birds.
Zoom recording is not available.

Male prairie chicken
Male Prairie Chickens compete in spring on “leks” to compete for females by performing amazing dances.

November 2023

Stewart Janes’ November discussed how feathers grow, different shapes are produced, patterns such as stripes and bars are embedded into the growing feather, and colors are incorporated. Birds even more special than you may already know!
Link to recording  Recommended reading

Feather detail
Amazing peacock feather detail

October 2023

Bumble bee on flower
Bumble bee on flower

Dave Kollen has been studying the natural history of bumble bees, which are critical pollinators of wild and agricultural plants. Discover how we can play a role in pollinator conservation, both in general and in our own landscapes and communities.
Link to recording

September 2023

Aaron Groth presented information about using controlled burns to prevent catastrophic wildfires and restore habitats and species that have been degraded. Public concerns must be addressed so people understand the purpose and benefits of the using fire. Link to recording. Follow-up information: FNR Extension In the Woods Podcast with David Lewis and Amanda Rau. Link to podcast
Broad overview of cultural burning the PNW: Link to journal article

controlled burn at Finley NWR
Partners use a controlled burn to remove invasive plants in an elk-grazing area.

May 2023

Dr. Bob Beschta discussed “trophic cascades.” If a top predator is hunted to extinction, what happens to their prey species, and in turn, how do population changes in those prey species affect their forage species? Issues have included how bison affect ecosystem recover and how eradicating large carnivores affect aspen trees. Link to recording

elk and wolves in Yellowstone National Park
A pack of wolves attack an elk in Yellowstone NP

April 2023

Don Boucher and Lisa Milbank converted the lawn on their quarter-acre suburban lot to a garden for both edible and native plants. In April’s presentation, they described the process of making the yard inviting to nesting birds, pollinating insects, and more, and discussed easy ways to add more species richness to any yard. Link to recording

Don Boucher offers food to an Anna's hummingbird
It’s lunchtime for the Anna’s hummingbird!

March 2023

Join Marina Richie for a deep dive into the world of North America’s secretive, jay-sized angler, the subject of her award-winning 2022 book, Halcyon Journey, In Search of the Belted Kingfisher. America’s secretive, jay-sized angler, the subject of her award-winning 2022 book, Halcyon Journey, In Search of the Belted Kingfisher. Link to recording

belted kingfisher
The Willamette River just donated a fish for my lunch!

February 2023

Fred Ramsey shared photos and stories of Mongolia trips made by ASC members Fred Ramsey and Jim Faulkner. Ostensibly these were fishing trips for the world’s largest salmonid, but there was a heavy emphasis on Mongolia’s birds. Link to recording

mongolian eagle hunter
Eagle hunters in Mongolia practice an age-old tradition of capturing and training their birds to hunt for them.

January 2023

Local artist Ram Papish specializes in design and illustration of interpretive panels. His presentation explored education and conservation through his paintings, illustrations, and sculptures. Link to recording

puffin picnic
Puffin interpretive sign by Ram Papish