Black-capped chickadee

Volunteer Opportunities

Make a Difference – Become an MWBA Volunteer

Since every member of MWBA is a volunteer, we obviously need to make use of the diverse skills that our members have. We encourage everyone to join in to plan, teach, paint, pull weeds, draw, or whatever you like. As you join others, you will likely surprise yourself and learn new skills. It’s all for the benefit of our community and the birds, wildlife, and habitats that are so important to protect.

2023 – 2024 Open Volunteer Positions

We will train you for all these positions:
Facebook Coordinator – publicizes upcoming events on our Facebook page
Assistant Tech Coordinator – assists with Zoom webinar for monthly meetings
Hesthavn Nature Center and Grounds – helps with outdoor work including mowing, weeding, and repair/maintenance
Education Team – leads bird walks, makes presentations, staffs ASC table at public events

Don’t worry about your time commitment – we are flexible and can work around your schedule.


MWBA Board Meetings are held ten times per year on the second Thursday of the month. Once a year Officers and Board Members are elected to a new term. If you wish to help us reach our current goals and set new ones, please see MWBA Leaders or email

Local Conservation Opportunities

The Corvallis Sustainability Coalition and other several organizations have partnered to create a joint community-wide conservation calendar. Find an event that interests you, click on the event details, and contact the participating organization. Some events have a limited number of people, waivers to sign, or have certain requirements. To ensure a safe and fun volunteer experience, it is important to contact the correct individual.

Calendar and contact information


MWBA Education Team – Preserve, Protect, Promote

We present programs, activities, and games to school children and other groups. Tasks include planning a program, creating customized activities, gathering information, finding supplies, transporting materials, setting up and dismantling the activity, and staffing. You can be a part of any or all of these tasks. Use your creativity to plan fun games with a conservation theme. Are you an artist? How about drawing a picture wheel of important pollinators for children to color? We can show you how to be an effective communicator who can inspire compassion in audiences of any age!

Contact Coordinators Meika or Dodie at

science night
It’s a night to explore lots of science at Franklin School in Corvallis.
insect activities
Volunteers Kendra Deltoro and Mateo Garcia fascinate all ages with facts about insects.

Hesthavn – In with the Good, Out with the Bad

tending native garden
Volunteer Ann Brodie waters and weeds the native plant garden at Hesthavn.
pulling Canada thistle
Matt Lee wins a small battle with Canada thistle at a Hesthavn work party.

Hesthavn has undergone an amazing transformation since it was donated to ASC (now MWBA). The former horse pasture is returning to its native plant roots, and the greenery is free to proliferate. However, that means maintenance year-round. The Nature Center, born as a horse barn, was renovated but also requires regular upkeep. Two work parties are scheduled each month with some specific goals, but if more people arrive to help, other chores are waiting on the sidelines. The work parties are listed on the What’s Up section on the home page. Combined with the efforts of other volunteers, you can pull together to help return an impaired site back to nature! Contact Ray at raydrapek(at)


wheelchair ramp repair
A Hesthavn work party repairs the accessibility ramp before slippery weather arrives.


Characteristics of Noxious Weeds (Benton County SWCD)

Canada thistle
Canada thistle looks pretty in bloom, but it is an invasive perennial.
      • Produce many seeds
      • Successful dispersal strategies
      • Sexual and asexual reproduction
      • Grow faster & mature earlier than natives
      • Lack natural predators
      • HARD TO KILL!