The Chat

The Chat, MWBA’s official newsletter, is published 10 months per year from September through May, plus a summer edition in July/August. Each issue contains information about the monthly speaker and their presentation an the latest news about education, conservation, special events, Hesthavn Nature Center, field trips, bird sightings, Board meetings, calendar items, and more. Archived Chats are available in PDF format from April 2003. – see below.

Editors Jake Keen and co-editor Naomi Weidner welcome articles from all members of the Audubon Society of Corvallis. Please submit them to the Chat editor by the fourth Thursday of the month. Submit text created in Microsoft Word and any links, photos, photo credits, and captions to:

Our Namesake

Though widespread throughout the U.S., Yellow-breasted Chats can be elusive because they often inhabit thick brush. The easiest time to see them is In spring when males are singing atop an exposed  branch. Chats differ from other warblers as they are larger, and their repertoire of songs is much more extensive. Calls include whistles, rattles, grunts, and other sounds. Chats eat berries and insects and migrate as far as Central America in winter.

Current Issue – March 2025


yellow-breasted chat
Male Yellow-breasted Chat singing for a mate in early spring. © W. Proebsting

Archived Issues